Thursday, December 27, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Couldn't you . . .

. . . just gobble him up?
Hard to believe that in 6 days my little baby boy will be one! With Delaney, I was so excited for her 1st birthday. But now, each milestone reminds me that I won't get to experience them again. I know that I have so much to look forward to with each of my munchkins. But I can't help but miss all of those things that have already passed. The first smile, first word, first open mouthed sloppy kiss! It's a good thing I take so many pictures and can look back at those squishy baby cheeks to remind me of how very much I just wanted to eat him up every day!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Barsness Family

Today I had such fun taking photos of my college friend Sara's family. Two year olds aren't all that cooperative, but they sure are cute! Delaney and Jillian had so much fun chasing Tyler and I couldn't get over those baby blues of Jack. Thanks for letting us invade for a few hours - hope you can use some of these for your Christmas card.