Monday, September 15, 2008

Meet Fuzzy

Jillian has a new pet -- a brown fuzzy caterpillar! She spied him on our walk down the path after Kindergarten today. I'm quite surprised she found it, as we we're hustling as fast a we could through the hundreds of grasshoppers that have taken over our overgrown neighborhood (but that's another story). We tried to get it to climb on a stick, but instead it curled up tight into a ball. So we marked the spot and ran back to the house for a jar (um, huffin' and puffin' -- I gotta get to the gym!). Now Fuzzy, or Gabrielle as Jillian wants to call her(?) has a cozy home complete with a stick and leaves. Of course, she isn't getting any peace and quiet in there as Jillian just can't leave her alone. Now I've got to figure out a way to keep this thing alive so I don't have a sad girl. Anyone experienced in the capture and care of fuzzy caterpillars?
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G'ma S said...

Sorry, can't help you out on that one as her father was never one to ever get his hands dirty...(ummm... Big E?) much less touch a caterpillar at her age! I'm certain there is caterpillar heaven Ryan forgot to add a small pet cemetary area in that beautiful new backyard plan :-)...every family needs one of those!

MAV06 said...

Cool! What a great find you made -J! I think you just need to make sure your caterpiller has fresh leaves and grass. I wonder if she'll spin a cocoon? I bet there is something kid friendly on the internet.
Love Auntie V