Thursday, October 2, 2008


Today Elliott had his usual breakfast -- yogurt with Fruit Loops. Auntie Ria showed him how yummy it was to put his "loop loops" into his yogurt and he's eaten them that way ever since. There was even more to the method today. I dropped a couple of colorful o's into his yogurt only to be immediately reprimanded from my almost 2 year old. "No mommy! No yellow, no red - GREEN!" He plucked those maverick o's out and replaced them with green ones. Yes, my little boy needed to eat his fruit loops by color - green first, followed by blue, then red, then orange and finally yellow. Hoping this is just a phase . . . although I think daddy was a little proud at hearing this as it reflected a bit of himself in his little boy.


Anonymous said...

I've never been more proud!! I think?? Ha! Sorry this part of my DNA profile got passed down.

Proud daddy

Anonymous said...

I've never been more proud!! I think?? Ha! Sorry this part of my DNA profile got passed down.

Proud daddy

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly! Just wait until you dust his room one day when he's gone at school as a 1st grader and he comes home, walks in his room and comes unglued because his match box cars aren't lined up exactly as he left them that morning....hey...there's always positives too when it comes to obsessive complusive behavior isn't there? G'ma S

gmab said...

Ok Elliott you go ahead and do like your Dad did at your age nothing wrong with it. Going WAY BACK I too still remember little fussy Ryan wanting things just so. So be happy and have fun. GgmaB