Friday, October 2, 2009

What did you say?

Elliott talks ALL the time and often says things that I never thought I'd hear from a two year old. On two occasions this week, I had to stop and say, 'um, what did you just say????'

"Mama, you get a point if you hit someone with your car."

"Mom, I just can't respect that."


G'ma S said...

He was so cute yesterday when I got there and he came up with a big hug and said "Grandma what a nice surprise!"...Also could not BELIEVE how Jillian gave me a math and spelling assignment completely written and spelled right on the whiteboard as we played school! Her level as a 1st grader is almost scary! We DID get the cabinet home... Hope your shopping expedition was fun!

Anonymous said...

Tooo cute! "Actually, I think you get 3 points if you hit someone with a car"

And I want to know "What doesn't respect?"

Ann said...

Hmmm, I think he was trying to tell me something in the van and I couldn't make out a word. He was frustrated so I just asked him to wait until we got home and then we'd talk about it. To which he replied "mom, I just can't respect that!"

MAV06 said...

That's my boy!!