Saturday, May 24, 2008

Future Stuntman

Elliott - 17 months old
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Crime and Punishment

All the experts tell you to let the punishment fit the crime. That is how Jillian ended up with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser cleaning purple crayon off the inside of the van. Not sure it was effective in teaching her not to draw on the van with crayon, because as you can see by the smile on her face -- she thought it was quite fun!
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A Fresh Face

Delaney was ready for a change, but mommy wasn't so sure. But she was just so certain that she wanted to cut off her long hair that I couldn't tell her no. So here she is - 6 inches lighter! And we are both lovin' it!
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beach Babes

Here's my crew enjoying the ocean at Galveston beach -- on our vacation in March!
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