Saturday, December 5, 2009

tooth trauma

Finally!!! About a month ago, I discovered that Jillian had a new tooth moving in behind her baby tooth, which had yet to start wiggling. She is not a tooth wiggler. That baby tooth would have stayed put if we hadn't been constantly reminding her to wiggle it. We even made up a song that went something like this . . . 'when you're reading a book, wiggle your tooth . . . when you're watching tv, wiggle your tooth . . . when you're riding the bus, wiggle your tooth. . .' You get the idea. Thursday afternoon when she came home from school, Jillian showed me her little tooth -- which was sticking straight out of her mouth! I encouraged her to pull that dangler out, but she refused. So after dinner, I took her head in my lap and announced I was pulling that tooth. The way she screamed and cried and carried on!!! Until I showed her the tooth in my hand. She didn't feel a thing because that tiny tooth just fell right out! That night as I was tucking her in, I told her that I was sad she'd lost her first tooth and gave her a big squeeze. "Because I'm growing up?" asked my wise girl. Seems like she was just getting teeth, and now they're falling out. A dear friend has a saying, "The days go so slow, but the years go so fast." Treasuring every little moment and locking them inside my heart.

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