Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Prompted by a certain incident that took place yesterday, I took apart Elliott's crib and replaced it with the toddler bed. I won't go into the details, just know that nothing could prepare me for the strong odor that assaulted me when I entered the room during naptime. . . .

Elliott is very proud of his 'big boy bed' and was so excited to show it off last night -- and to check out the bounce factor. Not sure we should have encouraged that particular move! He tucked in so sweetly last night and drifted right off to sleep - no sneaking out or calling for daddy or mommy. I went in to wake him this morning and found him all snuggled up, sleeping soundly -- on the floor next to his bed!

Monday, April 27, 2009

tiny dancer

The Glamorous Life . . . Jillian's 1st dance recital was a hit! She just loved all the attention from family and friends -- as you can see from the photos below. We weren't allowed to take flash photos or video during the recital. I couldn't resist sneaking in a couple of pictures of the father/daughter dance -- it was just so sweet to see the adoration on her face as she danced with her daddy. And after seeing all the other parents video taping on the first night, I had grandpa sneak in the camera for the 2nd performance. Watch for video to follow soon!!!

all dolled-up

the ballet costume

the tap costume

so proud with her trophy and dream box

daddy's girl

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Idol Favs

Although I feel that this year cannot compete with last year's talent, we are still huge fans of American Idol!!! Here our the Elton family favorites from this Season of Idol. . .

Miss Jillian is by far the most passionate fan of the show. Her emotions run high - we haven't made it through an episode yet without tears. Her original favorite was Jasmine, who didn't make it at first to the final show, but was eventually brought through by the judges as a wild card. If that wasn't enough, she was then voted out after the first round. I wasn't sure Jillian was going to continue watching, but she found another teenage idol to set her hopes on. . . Allison Iraheta.

Delaney loves those dreamy boys . . . she quickly chose Kris Allen as her favorite. Jillian refers to him as Delaney's "Tender Dog" - a term used by Randy after one of his performances. This immediately turns Delaney's cheeks red!!! Ryan is quite concerned about our oldest - she's already quite a flirt and loves the attention of the boys!!!

Ryan's favorite this year -- Danny Gokey. You'll have to ask him why. . .

My favorite this season is Matt Giraud -- I think he is interesting and has the biggest range of musical talent.

While no one is this household is a fan, we have a strong feeling that the winner of this season's American Idol will be Adam Lambert.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools?

This just shows us that even the Big Guy has a sense of humor -- snow on April 1st!!!