Monday, January 25, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, I decided to start up an old hobby -- well, I can't really even call it a hobby because I didn't do it very often, or very well for that matter. It was something I learned as a girl from one of the most creative and talented women I know. Seriously, this woman can make everything from pot holders to prom dresses and I have both to prove it! Maybe I'll dig out those old prom photos to share, just to show how amazing she is. Of course, it's my mom! I wish I had the patience and desire when I was younger to learn more from her. When I was expecting my first child, she lovingly made the entire crib ensemble. During my second pregnancy, she worked with me to make another set including crib sheets, skirt and comforter. Baby #3? Well, I ordered his online from PBK because really, who needs to have everything handmade?!

I didn't remember quite as much as I thought I would, and after pulling out my progress on a baby blanket 3 times I decided I needed to start with a couple of refresher projects. My mom lives too far away to call for help, so I did what we moms of today do -- I went to the internet. A search of 'beginnner crochet patterns' turned up a couple of scarves with the basic stitches. The girls and I headed to Walmart for some yarn and I set to work. I have to admit, they came together much too quickly for me. So back to the internet for a search of 'crochet flower patterns' to add a bit of embellishment. And here are Delaney and Jillian's newest accessories:

And then I began the baby blanket project again -- and am 16 rows in without needing to pull out any mistakes! I hope I haven't spoiled the surprise for my expectant friend (but I don't think she reads this anyway). Maybe I'll even get that sewing machine off the top storage shelf in the basement. If I start now, I might just be able to get a costume completed in time for Halloween!


Kruger Kids said...

Those are so super cute!! I really only know ONE knitting stitch and that doesn't get me very far... a scarf, a wash cloth... that's about the extent of my creativity with yarn. So I'll have to come over for a crochet session with you!

Anonymous said...

Ann, they are so cute and the colors are great. Mom

Smith Inc. said...

Cool! My mom crochet's like a mad woman. She just loves it. Would you believe I never learned how. Maybe she got tired of teaching all my sisters and gave up before I had a chance. I guess I'll just have to have them make me the stuff I want. Tee Hee.

MAV06 said...

Terrific job Ann! Which pattern did you use? I think I may have come across something like it on the web myself. Guess I better get back to the scarfs I started working on over Winter Break.

Ann said...

I found the patterns on -- one is just entirely a single crochet and the other is just a double crochet (lengthwise). I needed the refresher on how to do the stitches after so long without doing them! The flower pattern was from someplace else, but I didn't keep the site reference.
And sadly, I pulled out the blanket (again) because I was getting narrower as I went along. I have to work on my consistency!

jen said...

impressive my dear. truly! love them! :)

Christine said...

Oh, boy! Have you found yet? TONS of free patterns.
