Thursday, September 27, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007


Wow! September has just flown by and now it's fall. Where has the time gone? We've been busy around our house, getting into the routine of having one in Kindergarten, one in preschool, and one in mommy's arms! Look forward to some highlights from Jillian's Fall Harvest Orchard field trip today. In the meantime, check out who I've been spending my time with. . .

The MOPS Steering Team
Molly, Tina, Marissa, Amy, Jen, Nancy, Carmen
Sheila, Joy, Janine (and me)

The MOPS Mentors (our Fab Five)

Janice, Susan, Gisela, Sue, and Diane (clockwise from bottom)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Jillian's First Day

Just a couple of hours left to get these pictures up on "the first day." She was thrilled to be going back to preschool with her favorite teachers and also lots of classmates from last year. Jillian's favorite part of school today? Snack - a granola bar! Interesting because it's not a snack she ever chooses at home.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day

Our first -- off to Kindergarten! She was so excited that she didn't even look back to say goodbye as she got on the bus. I can't wait to hear all about it when she gets home. The only tears in our house this morning were from her little sister who misses her very much. I didn't cry (surprised?), but I think Daddy was a little sad. He stayed home from work this morning to enjoy breakfast with his little girl before her first day of school.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Night Before Kindergarten

Overhead outside the girls bedroom:
(squeak, squeak, squeak)

Delaney: Jillian, what was that noise?

Jillian: That was Boris. I was squeaking his beak!
(squeak, squeak)

Delaney: Stop making that noise! You don't want me to be a crabby girl on my first day of Kindergarten!

Jillian: But Delaney, I need someone to sing me "Up to the Moon" so that I can sleep.

Delaney: I love you up to the moon
I love you big as the sky
I love to watch you when you sleep
I love to hold you when you cry
And someday when you're older
And taller than me
I'll say I watched you grow like a beautiful tree
Cause I love you up to the moon
And I love you big as the sky
I love you up to the moon. . .