Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Yesterday, Elliott received a birthday package in the mail from Auntie Ria and family. We've been talking up his birthday for some time now, practicing making '2' with his fingers, discussing what kind of cake he would like (Diego Dinosaur cake!), etc. He was excited to have a present and wanted to open it 'white now!' So we did - and inside was a framed picture of him in his '2 shirt', a monkey towel (he loves his monkey stuffed buddy named Joe) and a Safari Rescue Diego! Well, Diego was never far from Elliott yesterday - taking a nap with him, resting beside him at meals, snuggled up watching Diego on the sofa, and of course playing Diego and Dora with his sisters.

On to today, when I woke Elliott up with my off-key Happy Birthday song to a very grumpy 'no mommy, no sing.' (Thanks buddy, love you too.) He scooped up Diego along with his 'B' and I scooped him up for a warm cuddle. After breakfast and getting ready for the day, we settled in to play on the floor with none other than new Diego. All of the sudden Elliott says "mommy, Diego go potty!" Um, okay, I'll play along - "Diego has to go potty?" At which point, Elliott gets up and heads for the stairs.

Flash back to yesterday afternoon -- Jillian yelled down from upstairs "mom, Elliott's new Diego is all wet!" to which I replied, "get a towel and dry him off honey!" thinking that Elliott gave him a bath in the sink. AH-HA!!! Not the sink - the potty!

Diego just got his bath with those handy Clorox disinfecting wipes.


Unknown said...

How funny! Is Elliott interested in using the potty? Bennett has sat on the potty chair a few times but done nothing. He does tell me when he has gone. Thinking I might work on it a bit while Tom is home over the next week. But I'm totally not looking forward to it.

Ria said...

Ha Ha! So glad you are enjoying your new Diego buddy! We hope you had a wonderful 2nd birthday! Love you tons!!!!